Implementing a ticket selling

service on Spotify's app

Implementing a ticket selling service on

Spotify's app

Implementing a ticket selling service on

Spotify's app



Mobile first


Product Designer






Figma, Notion

🔎 About Spotify

Launched in 2008 in Sweden, Spotify is now one of the most popular music streaming services in the world; providing access to a vast online library of music and podcasts. I had the opportunity to work on this project during my Product Design bootcamp with The Design Crew.

+ 500 millions

monthly active users

210 millions

paying subscribers

👩🏻‍💻 About my role

I was involved in every step of the design process, with a particular focus on UI Design. I found it particularly interesting to find ways to implement this new feature in various entry points, within Spotify's existing ecosystem.


Using Design Thinking to come up with solutions

Finding inspiration to build an intuitive solution

Finding inspiration to build an intuitive solution

For this project, we focused only on delivery, as the problem had been defined beforehand: there is a clear business opportunity for Spotify to start selling concerts tickets.


to generate

potential solutions


to make our ideas come to life

User tests

to gather feedback


to improve the first prototype

  1. Ideation

to generate

potential solutions

  1. Prototyping

to make our ideas come to life

  1. User tests

to gather feedback

  1. Iteration

to improve the first prototype


How can we implement a ticket selling service on Spotify's app ?




Increase revenue for Spotify, artists, concert halls & festivals



Promote rising artists' concerts, based on likes & localisation



Position Spotify as a key local player within music communities


Generating as many ideas as possible thanks to tools and workshops

Using ideation tools such as mindmapping, crazy eights and storyboards, we generated many possible ideas to answer Spotify's challenge. We decided to prototype and test the ones that fitted best with the timeline, the scope and the KPIs of the project.

Home page

Adding an Event tab on Spotify's home page

Home page

Adding an Event tab on Spotify's home page

Home page

Adding an Event tab on Spotify's home page


An Event access while the user is listening to a song


An Event access while the user is listening to a song


An Event access while the user is listening to a song


An interactive and geolocalized map


An interactive and geolocalized map


An interactive and geolocalized map

Premium events

Pushing private events to the top listeners

Premium events

Pushing private events to the top listeners

Premium events

Pushing private events to the top listeners

Personalized recommendations

to adapt to users' taste

Personalized recos

to adapt to users' taste

Personalized recommendations

to adapt to users' taste

Social feature

Seeing which concerts your friends plan to attend

Social feature

Seeing which concerts your friends plan to attend

Social feature

Seeing which concerts your friends plan to attend

Inviting your friends

A sharing feature to make it more social

Inviting your friends

A sharing feature to make it more social

Inviting your friends

A sharing feature to make it more social

An access map

with metro details and parking info

An access map

with metro details and parking info

An access map

with metro details and parking info

After that phase, we decided to pick the ideas that would have the most impact and added value on our project.

🙌 Ideas we kept

Concert filter on the homepage

Booking & payment funnel

Event page

Easy access to purchased tickets

🗑 Ideas we dropped

Interactive map with nearby concert halls

Map with nearby concert halls

Social feature

Early access to tickets for the Top Fans

Early tickets for the Top Fans

Push notifications


Finding inspiration to build an intuitive solution

Finding inspiration to build an

intuitive solution

Finding inspiration to build an intuitive solution


—> Intuitive and modern booking and payment experience, enabling the user to book a ticket easily and quickly.


—> Clear presentation of the event page, containing all the useful informations


—> The app gives an easy access to the tickets bought, using a clear icon and a visible entry point in the menu


Using Figma to make our ideas come to life

Using Figma to make our ideas come to life

We worked with Figma components as much as possible to make the process of iterating much easier.
Here is an extract of our Figma file :

We worked with Figma components as much as possible to make the process of iterating much easier. Here is an extract of our Figma file :

We worked with Figma components as much as possible to make the process of iterating much easier. Here is an extract of our Figma file :


Based on our ideation workshop, we selected 3 main ideas to prototype on Figma and test. Our major UI challenge was to keep a consistency with the existing design system of Spotify.

Explore upcoming concerts

We worked on various entry points in the app to give access to the concerts : Homepage, Search tab, Artist page, etc.

A simple booking funnel

Inspired by our benchmark and by the minimalism of Spotify's app, we prototyped an intuitive booking and payment funnel

An easy access to tickets

After purchasing their concert tickets, users should easily be able to find their tickets in the app


Collecting feedbacks to reduce risk and iterate

Collecting feedbacks to reduce risk and iterate

Collecting feedbacks to reduce risk

and iterate

🗓 Methodology

To test our new features and collect feedback, we conducted user tests.  We interviewed 5 people, users and non users of Spotify.

Semi-directed tests

5 testers

30 minutes

via Google Meet

👤 Profiles


30 yo, occasional user of Spotify


60 yo, regular user of Spotify


32 yo, regular user of Spotify


27 yo, non-user

of Spotify


29 yo, regular user of Spotify


30 yo, occasional user of Spotify


60 yo, regular user of Spotify


32 yo, regular user of Spotify


27 yo, non-user

of Spotify


29 yo, regular user of Spotify

✅ What worked

5/5 found the booking and payment funnel very simple and intuitive

We designed a minimalistic booking and payment funnel, in a few simple steps, inspired by our benchmark. All of our users found it easy and efficient to book concerts tickets.

"I really liked it: it's quick and simple, it's not long to fill in like it can sometimes be on some ticket selling websites."

"I really liked it: it's quick and simple, it's not long to fill in like it can sometimes be on some ticket selling websites."

- Audrey

4/5 spontaneously looked for concerts from the new filter on the homepage

We added on the homepage a filter "En concert" next to "Musique" and "Podcast & émission" to enable users to find recommended concerts easily.

"I directly clicked here to look for concerts because it was visible and seemed logical."

"I really liked it: it's quick and simple, it's not long to fill in like it can sometimes be on some ticket selling websites."

- Elisabeth

5/5 found the new Event page very clear and useful

We designed an Event Page containing the key information of a concert : artist's information, concert hall's address and access, date, hour, and a sharing feature to send the event page to a friend.

"It's really practical to have rapidly all the informations of the concerts, especially the nearby metro stations."

"I really liked it: it's quick and simple, it's not long to fill in like it can sometimes be on some ticket selling websites."

- Elisa

🛠 What we reworked

1/5 found easily their purchased tickets

The user tests revealed that the icon we used (a QR code) wasn't clear to our users. Also, they didn't all spontaneously look for their tickets in the homepage : most searched in the Library tab.

"I didn't understand this icon, I thought it was to scan something. I also expected to find my ticked in the Library as it is "my" space in the app, with my playlists, etc."

"I really liked it: it's quick and simple, it's not long to fill in like it can sometimes be on some ticket selling websites."

- Clémence

—> What we changed : we changed the QR Code icon to put a clearer ticket icon instead. This ticket icon is displayed on the homepage and goes green, once a ticket is purchased and is awaiting use. We also added an entry point in the Library.

Prototype V2 :

Prototype V2 :

3/5 intuitively went in the Search Tab to look for a specific concert

In our first prototype, we decided to test the entry point through the homepage only, to see if it was intuitive to look for recommended concerts there. However, users also looked in the Search Tab to do a specific research.

"I didn't see the concert of Angele in the homepage so I went to look for it in the Search Tab instead, as I do when I look for a specific music for example."

"I really liked it: it's quick and simple, it's not long to fill in like it can sometimes be on some ticket selling websites."

- Elodie

—> What we changed : we designed an access to look for concerts in the Search Tab: through the categories, and through a specific search.


Using users feedback to improve our solution

Using users feedback to improve our solution

Using users feedback to improve our solution


It's important to work in an organized Figma space in order to make the team work as easy as possible. It also facilitates greatly the process of iteration. Here is an extract of our Figma file :


Here are a few ideas of how we could push this project further :



Conducting more tests on our prototype could enable us to improve it even more.



Working with a developer team to implement our solution in the app.



Making sure our files are well organized to make it simple for a future team to use.

Making sure our files are well organized for a future team to use.


Héloïse Barrand-Pinto

Product Designer